Voici trois articles rédigés par des élèves de section euro seconde :
Article about Mr Jacquey
The 17/12, the European section class met a sociologist named Camille Jacquey who did a presentation of his job in front of us. He introduced himself and told for us how many years of studies a person need to be a sociologist. So after five years in a university, he became a sociologist and worked for folk agencies like L’Oreal, Yves Saint–Laurent, M6 …
He defined the socialization: it’s how social groups have an impact on the way we behave and on the way we thing. And sociology is dedicated to understand how social relations have an impact on what we do and on who we are.
He tells us the three subjects of survey which exist: Technologies and social medias , Cultural creation influences, Social changes
A sociologist can work for private people, companies and institutions, university and research laboratories and the government. Mister Jackey doesn’t work for the government or private people and the main goal of companies when they request him it to have help is to improve their global strategy. They might need help to improve their communication, to have better innovations or for their marketing too.
After his presentation, groups of students did their presentation of their survey whit a slideshow. There were surveys about food, about travels, frequency of sport, social medias, Disney’s films… During their presentation, the other pupils rated them. Aymen Hafs

We met a sociologist !
Hello !
We are Elsa VARACHAUD and Flora LAÜGT and we are in the European class. The 17th December 2020, we met the sociologist, Mr Jacquey. He told us that he studied for 4 years to become a sociologist. His job involves working for Universities and Research Laboratories and also for Companies and Institutions. We have learned that the main goal of the Companies is to improve their global strategy, in, for example, marketing, communication and innovation. To be a sociologist, we must to have the sociological eye:
● It’s in the first place to understand socialization : this is how social groups have an impact on the way we behave and the way we think.
● Also, we need to realize what sociology is: this study is dedicated to understand how social relations influence what we do and what we are.
Acquiring this sociological eye is really important in order to see the world under sociological aspects.
So, we had to present our own survey. With Diane Leduc, we worked on “Student’s cooking”. In social apparence, this speaks about “the social influence”. We demonstrated that one quarter among 40 students don’t cook, often because their parents cook for them. But also, around the middle of these students live alone. We have proved too, that students don’t use the same time for cooking, indeed, the results were very mixed (38% cook every day, 30% half the time, 21% often and 15% rarely). Moreover, we have seen that students don’t spend a lot of money for food. However, 80% of them have answered to pay attention to the food they buy.(kilo price, French, good quality, price,…) Finally we have been quite surprised by all the answers.
And me, I’ve worked on music. I noticed music is really a part of our life, indeed practically everyone listens to music everyday and if it’s not every day, it is often. I’ve also illustrated that people listen to music to relax, to escape musically and to exteriorize emotion. I realize by this project that a lot of people listen to artists who are socially engaged. For example, artists can fight against racism, sexism and for LGBT+ in their music. It’s really a good thing ! This project allowed us to be immersed in sociologist jobs and to discover what does it consist of. To conclude, this meeting with Mr Jacquey was very interesting and to discover these sociological approaches are really enlightening in order to see the world in different aspects. We have enjoyed it and kept a good memory of this moment !
Flora LAÜGT from 2nde 05 and Elsa VARACHAUD from 2nde 02