Last weekend was very fun! I was sick on Friday, so I stayed home from school. On Saturday, I was feeling better and we left for La Rochelle. It was a two-hour car ride, so we found ways to entertain ourselves along the way. We sang along to songs from musicals, we watched movies, and we chatted. We arrived at a relative’s house around 14h, and ate lunch with some friends! After that, everyone went shopping. We spent a long …..
Use a metal bottle to drink not a plastic one ! Do you know that plastic bottles are both nasty for the environment and for your health ? Indeed, even if plastic is recyclable, we know that a lot of plastics, like your plastic bottle, are rejected in the oceans, it even forms a continent! This is really nasty for the marine animals and also for the water. We also know that when we drink into a plastic bottle, we …..
First week of class is over and I think it was a tiring week for Emalee, because when we were home she was very tired and during the weekend, she slept a lot. For me also this week was tiring because it was back-to-school after the Holiday. Le premier jour, nous sommes arrivées en avance au lycée, afin que nous rencontrions les tutrices d’Emalee et de Lucy, Meghane et Gervone. Puis, nous leur avons fait faire une visite du lycée. …..
I had never flown without my family before now, and I had never flown internationally. In other words, I was pretty nervous to fly to France! Once I got through customs and found Emalee at the gate, however, my anxiety disappeared. I was excited to begin my journey, and felt better with a friend who felt the same way! The seven-hour flight went smoothly, though I could not fall asleep. Note to self: Do not watch sad movies on planes …..
Echange Gould Academy/MDVJour J-1“Le 28/12/19, 19h39:Nous sommes au restaurant avec Camille et ses parents, et j’ai déjà très hâte qu’Emalee arrive. Avec Camille nous sommes toutes folles et ne pouvons plus attendre. Je trépigne d’impatience depuis quelques jours déjà, et ce matin, je me suis levée très vite car je savais que c’était aujourd’hui le début de l’aventure !Le trajet à été assez long, même si festif et en chanson (#Disneysongs). Arrivés à l’hôtel, nous partons manger et passons une …..
Avec l’aide du ministère de l’Education Nationale et l’ambassade des Etats-Unis, le lycée est engagé dans un projet d’appariement avec un établissement américain ( lycée situé à Bethel dans le Maine aux Etats-Unis) . D’ores et déjà pour l’année scolaire en cours, deux élèves du lycée se rendront aux Etats-Unis et nous recevrons deux élèves américains. Mesdames Gresso ( professeure d’anglais) et Lars ( proviseure adjointe) sont missionnées pour construire les bases d’un partenariat plus fructueux. Elles sont aux Etats-Unis …..
We have welcome Australian Students in our Euro Section class the first Monday, when we presented our PowerPoint, about our country and our city. The second Monday, they presented us their country, their culture, etc.They were separated into two groups:The first group, talked us about the geography of Australia, with it’s six states and it two territories. The Australians Students showed us where Perth was located in Australia. Then, they talked about the Australian’s demography. They continued with …..